Working together to achieve our best in an inclusive environment.
At Katunga Primary School we pay our respects to Aboriginal Elders past, present and emerging, the traditional custodians of the lands we meet on today. We are on the lands of the Bangerang people and the Yorta Yorta nation. We acknowledge the deep feelings of attachment and spiritual connection that our First Nations people have to this country.

Katunga Primary School has around 90 children and is situated 10 km north of Numurkah. Established in 1952 we service the Katunga community families in the surrounding area.
More about the School
Katunga Primary School provides a harmonious and happy learning environment where children are cared for and treated with respect. The programs at the school provide a broad and challenging curriculum that enables all children to learn at their own pace and to achieve their academic and social potential.
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